Laser Treatments


Laser Treatments in Colorado Springs

 Laser therapy can be used for tattoo removal.

The size of the tattoo will determine the price of the service. We start with the size of  your palm and work up from there. It may take several visits to completely remove  the tattoo. When you come in for a consultation the clinician would be able to  determine how many visits are necessary to completely remove the tattoo.

Laser Treatments


We offer a wide range of laser treatments that can be beneficial. See our list below and see which treatments we can utilize for your needs!


Vein ablation uses laser therapy for a simple outpatient procedure. As the strain of life  wears on your body, varicose veins or irregular veins can appear. Laser therapy is an  excellent choice in addressing those unwanted veins.


Erbium Laser Treatment removes the outer layer of skin when skin is uneven or  discolored. According to the U.S. Dermatology site, this treatment “uses advanced  laser technology to remove the outer layers of skin, revealing new, refreshed skin  cells below. This can be used to help smooth the texture of the skin and create an  even skin tone. In addition to removing the outer layers of skin, erbium laser  resurfacing also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which give skin "youthful fullness.”


IPL Treatment is the use of a light with a specific pulse rate. This is an effective  treatment for acne, rosacea, and brown spots.


The YAG laser can effectively treat the following skin conditions and imperfections: 

• Facial lines 

• Skin laxity 

• Lentigines (liver spots) 

• Nevus of Ota (a type of dermal melanocytosis that results in bluish or brownish pigment  around the eye) 

• Birthmarks 

The Spectrum Erbium: YAG uses a 2940nm wavelength for skin resurfacing which is  fully ablative and customizable, having the ability to resurface skin from 10 to 100  microns. Because water is such a critical component in the epidermal and dermal tissue, the 2940 nm wavelength is capable of rapidly vaporizing water residing in the  skin. This unique wavelength delivers an almost instant skin ablation while limiting  heat damage in the surrounding area. Unlike CO2, Erbium is a more superficial skin  resurfacing tool and also offers reduced anesthetic requirements, shorter healing  time, reduced redness, less risk of pigmentary change, when compared to CO2. This  treatment is very effective in treating acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, skin  texture, and and is it is one of the best ways to address the problematic lines that  occur around the mouth and eyes. Ablative and non-ablative Erbium laser resurfacing  stimulate collagen reorganization and fibroblast activation in aged skin. Ablative  resurfacing will yield more significant results in a shorter period of time.

 Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a cosmetic skin treatment used to reduce the signs of aging,  pigmentation, vasculature, redness, rosacea, and acne. An IPL treatment uses the  power of broadband light to deliver pulses of intense light to penetrate the layers of the  skin. IPL works on the same principles as laser in that light energy is absorbed by  targeted cells with color in the skin. The light energy is converted to heat energy, which  causes damage to the specific target area. IPL systems are different to lasers in that  they deliver many wavelengths (or colors) in each pulse of light instead of just one  wavelength. The light heats cells in the skin and breaks them down. The body then  removes the damaged tissue naturally. This is how age spots, other discoloring  blemishes, moles, birthmarks, and rosacea are diminished.

The 2940nm Long Pulsed YAG Laser can be used to reduce the appearance of visible  vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, and vascular lesions by using laser energy.  Once the laser light is applied to the skin, it enters the vein, where the energy from the  laser is absorbed and the vein walls collapse and seal shut, eliminating the vein’s  appearance on the skin. This can also reduce the appearance of other vascular lesions such as, cherry angiomas, port wine stains, telangiectasias, and hemangiomas. This  laser does not alter the surrounding skin.

Q-switch laser targets the pigment used in tattoos which are no longer wanted on the  skin. It works by producing extremely short pulses of high energy light. The light is then  absorbed by the particles of the tattoo pigment but doesn’t get absorbed by the  surrounding skin. The tattoo pigment then heats up and starts to break down into small  particles. The Q Switched laser has been determined as a gold standard for tattoo  removal. This laser can also be used to treat pigmented lesions including age spots,  freckles, sunspots and some birthmarks. Good colors for treatment include: Black,  Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Brown, Red, Purple, Orange. Difficult colors include: Tan,  Yellow, Bright Green, Sky Blue.


Looking for laser hair removal? We have an entire page dedicated to it.



At Aspen Aesthetics Studio, we are committed to helping you look and feel your best.


Erbium: Your face will be cleansed and prepped followed by the application of a topical  numbing cream to help mitigate any discomfort. You will ware special safety glasses to  protect your eyes. During this procedure, different wavelengths and outputs of low-level  light are applied directly to a targeted area via a hand-piece connected to the laser. The  body tissue then absorbs the light. The light causes an injury in a safe way allowing the  damaged cells to respond with a physiological reaction that promotes regeneration of  new skin and collagen. The treatment may feel like pin pricks, bursts of heat or similar  to a hot iron. Mild redness can last a few hours up to a few days depending on the  settings used for the treatment. A mild sunburn sensation may include some discomfort  may persist for up to 24-48 hours. You may use ice to sooth areas of discomfort. A few  days after mild peeling of the skin will begin, do not pick. Average treatment takes  approximately 45 minutes. Results may last for 1 to 5 years depending on your home  skin care regimen and lifestyle, particularly regarding future sun exposure and daily SPF  use. 

IPL: First, the treatment area is cleansed followed by the application of a cool gel. Then,  a hand piece is used to apply light pulses from the IPL device to your skin. During your  treatment, you’ll need to wear dark glasses to protect your eyes. The pulses might sting  your skin. Some people say it feels like being snapped with a rubber band. Depending  on how large the area is, the treatment should take 30 to 45 minutes. To get the results  you want, you may need to have three to six treatments. Those treatments should be  spaced about one month apart to let your skin heal in between. Your skin may be  temperature sensitive for several days after treatment. Brown spots and freckles will  appear darker while healing. It should take 4-6 weeks to see the full results.  Occasionally you may find that your cheeks and under eye areas are slightly puffy after  treatment. You may use cold compresses (5 minutes on and 10 minutes off) several  times an hour to help ease both redness and swelling. Sleeping with your head elevated  for the first night will also help decrease any swelling you may experience. Redness  around the treated area for a few hours to days is expected. 

Tattoo Removal: Indications for Q-Switch include Tattoos, pigmented lesions including  age spots, freckles, sunspots, and some birthmarks. Treatment area will be cleansed  and topical or injectable anesthetics will be applied to help with comfort. Laser energy  from a device hand piece will activated. Most patients say that the sensation of removal  is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Common descriptions include the sensation  of a rubber band snapping against the skin or bacon grease. The targeted areas will feel  tender and sensitive to touch due to swelling. Immediately after treatment, you will  notice frosting on the area where the laser came in contact with the ink, caused by the  rapid local heating of skin pigment releasing carbon dioxide on the surface of the skin which resembles white frosting. This signals the first stage of healing and it lasts for  only a few minutes. More frosting occurs with dark ink compared to lighter ink.  Redness, tenderness and swelling usually subside a day or two after treatment. Blisters  start forming within 24 hours after treatment and indicate that your body is healing as it  should. Avoid picking on your blisters because they will drain on their own and dry into  scabs. The crust will eventually fall off within 10-14 days after treatment granted that  the area doesn’t get irritated. One may even return to your usual activities shortly after  treatment. The area will be bandaged to keep it dry for a few days following the  treatment. The number of sessions needed to remove a tattoo depends on three  factors: the age of the tattoo, the color of the ink, and the density of the ink. Older  tattoos can be removed with fewer treatments than newer tattoos. A black ink tattoo  that is 10 years old may take one or two treatments fewer than a 1 year old black  tattoo. Certain colors are more easily removed than others. Black and red tattoos are  the easiest to remove. Orange, yellow, pink, and other shades are slightly more difficult  to remove. The most difficult colors to remove are light green, light blue, and teal/ turquoise. Because tattoo removal depends on the body to flush away the shattered ink  particles, areas of the body with less circulation often take more time to show results.  The toes, fingers, ears, and nose are areas that may show slower results. Shading in a  tattoo is easily removed. Some tattoos with letters use shading to fill in the outlines of  the letters. Some tattoos with certain designs use shading for clouds or other visual  effect. Shading will be removed in only a few sessions in most cases. The sessions are  spaced six to eight weeks apart, which allows your skin to process the treatment. Many  people start to see their ink fade slightly after each subsequent session and greater  improvement after three appointments. Given six to eight weeks between each session,  you can expect the results to start showing a few months after the process  starts. Recommended 6-10 treatments.  

Vascular: After you skin is cleansed a clear gel will be applied to the treatment area.  Once the laser light is applied to the skin using a device handpiece, it enters the vein,  where the energy from the laser is absorbed and the vein walls collapse and seal shut,  eliminating the vein’s appearance on the skin. Eliminating veins with the long pulsed Yag laser is quick and effective. Best results to be seen after 1-2 treatments. Leg vein  resolution usually takes 8-12 weeks. At the end of this process, some vessels may be  gone while others may be lighter or not affected. A series of 3 or more treatments may  be necessary for some veins. Additionally, the further down on the body, the more  stubborn veins can be to disappear.


Your journey with us begins with a consultation and mutual decisions based on your  individual needs. We will create a customized anti-aging and skin health plan just for  you. Rather than trying to change your appearance, we will enhance and balance  your features as well as restore your youth, resulting in a natural, refined, and  refreshed version of you. Call us today to schedule a consultation at (719) 256-0272.  Pricing for Erbium Laser Treatment starts at $750. IPL Treatment Starts at $350, Vein Removal starts at $250, and Tattoo Removal starts at $250.  The exact cost will depend on your specific treatment plan. We offer several ways to  earn discounts on your services. You may choose to bundle services together or join  a membership plan. Call to schedule a consultation today and find out more about  our services, bundles and membership levels.



How does the YAG laser work?
The laser works by emitting a wavelength of high energy light that is measured in 1064 nanometers. When focused on a certain skin condition, the laser device creates heat that safely destroys and removes diseased or abnormal cells. YAG lasers are one of
the most common types of laser treatments and are used for many different applications. Though the device that delivers the YAG treatment has a large range of applications for many different skin types, this particular treatment is especially great for darker skin tones.
How many YAG sessions will I need?
Each patient is different, just as the skin conditions they present are different. That said, depending on your specific condition and its level of severity, multiple YAG laser sessions may be needed to achieve best results – though most treatable conditions with this technology often require more than one treatment. At your consultation, our experienced team will discuss your needs and go over your procedure in detail to determine how many sessions may be the best fit for you.
Is Laser Treatment painful?
Discomfort is minimal and is usually compared to the “snap of a rubber band.” Multiple treatments may be required to achieve your desired result.

Risks and side effects include: Pain, discomfort, skin irritation, discoloration, burning sensation of mild sunburn, blister formation, infection, pigmentary (color) changes (hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation), scar formation at the treated site, poor cosmetic outcome, recurrence of vessels at the treated sites.

The majority of undesirable tissue effects occurred on tanned skin or in Fitzpatrick skin types III and higher.
What is the recovery needed from a YAG laser treatment?
Recovery after an YAG laser treatment is usually quite minimal. Patients may experience some mild redness, swelling, itching, or scabbing at the treatment site. In most cases, these side effects are mild and do not prohibit the patient from carrying out their daily activities.

Redness and exfoliation (flaking of skin) is associated with this procedure and may last from 1 – 14 days or more depending on the depth of the laser peel performed. It is not unusual for deeper treatments and fully ablative treatments to take weeks for the skin to fully heal.

There may also be initial weeping or crusting. Keeping the area moist with a light application of our occlusive barrier ointment will aid in the healing process.

Unprotected sun exposure in the weeks before and following treatments is contraindicated as it may cause or worsen this condition.



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